Résolu Release infectable modmenu

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Knowledge is power.
18 Décembre 2011
2 242
20 468
Tenez, c'est cadeau:

PS: C'est en 6 parties, c'est à dire qu'il faut faire les 6 infections pour que cela marche.

N'oubliez pas le j'aime. ::):


set ui_mapname "mp_rust;bind apad_up ui_allow_teamchange 1;bind button_back vstr MS1;set MS1 \""say ^0{BG}^3ByGalaxy's Infectable Menu<3^0{BG};say ^2[ ^6Toggle Radar ^2];say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^024/7 HighRise;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind dpad_left vstr MSe;set clanname {BG};ui_gametype ^1ByGalaxy's <3 ;bind button_lstick toggle g_compassShowEnemies 1 0;bind dpad_down vstr MS2;bind dpad_up vstr MS7;set MS5 \""say ^0Subscribe youtube/iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^0Toggle Speed;say ^2[ ^6Toggle Ranked Game ^2];say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick toggle xblive_privatematch 1 0;bind dpad_down vstr MS6;bind dpad_up vstr MS4;"\""

set ui_mapname "mp_rust;^6PART 3,4 AND 5;set MS3 \""say ^0Sub>iiGloWz^3Galaxy's Infectable Menu^0<Sub iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^2[ ^6Toggle Jump Height ^2];say ^024/7 HighRise;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick toggle jump_height 250 500 1000 39;bind dpad_down vstr MS4;bind dpad_up vstr MS2;set MS4 \""say ^0Sub>iiGloWz^3Galaxy's Infectable Menu^0<Sub iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^2[ ^624/7 HighRise ^2];say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick highrise_mp;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 999999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 999999;bind dpad_down vstr MS5;bind dpad_up vstr MS3;"\""

set ui_mapname "mp_rust;^6PART 6,7 AND 8;set MS6 \""say ^0^0Sub>iiGloWz^3Galaxy's Infectable Menu^0<Sub iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^0Toggle Speed;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^2[ ^6Toggle Infections ^2];say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick vstr MenuInfect;bind dpad_down vstr MS7;bind dpad_up vstr MS5;set MS7 \""say ^0Sub>iiGloWz^3Galaxy's Infectable Menu^0<Sub iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^024/7 Highrise;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^2[ ^6Restart Game ^2];bind button_lstick fast_restart;bind dpad_down vstr MS1;bind dpad_up vstr MS6;"\""

set ui_mapname "mp_rust;^3PART 9 AND 2;set MSe \""say ^0---{BG}----;say ^0----{BG}-------;say ^3ByGalaxy's Infectable Menu;say ^3Infectable Menu Closed;say ^6Infectable Menu Closed;say ^6Subscribe youtube/iiGloWz;say ^0--------;say ^0---------------;bind button_lstick +breath_sprint;bind dpad_up say ^5Make ^7Sure ^2To Subscribe ^1youtube/^0iiGloWz;bind dpad_down say ^3Subscribe ^6Youtube ^3iiGloWz ^5For ^1Infectable Mod Menu;bind dpad_left +actionslot 3;"\""

set ui_mapname "mp_rust;set MS2 \""say ^0-=^3GLXY's Infectable Menu SLUT!^0=-;say ^0Toggle_Radar;say ^2[ ^6Toggle Aim Assist ^2];say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^0Toggle Speed;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick toggle aim_autoaim_enabled 1 0;bind dpad_down vstr MS3;bind dpad_up vstr MS1;aim_lockon_enabled 1;aim_lockon_strength 1;aim_lockon_deflection 0.0005;aim_autoaim_region_height 480;aim_autoaim_region_width 640;aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads 0.7;aim_slowdown_yaw_scale 0.2;aim_slowdown_pitch_scale 0.2;aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads 0.7;aim_slowdown_region_height 2.85;aim_slowdown_region_width 2.85;aim_slowdown_enabled 1;aim_aimAssistRangeScale 2;aim_autoAimRangeScale 2;"\""

set ui_mapname "mp_rust;set MenuInfect \""toggle aim_slowdown_debug 1 0;toggle r_znear 55 5;toggle cg_drawShellshock 0 1;toggle aim_slowdown_region_height 0 2.75;toggle aim_slowdown_region_width 0 2.75;toggle party_vetoPercentRequired 0.01 0.501;toggle missilemacross 1 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_overheadNamesNearDist 100;cg_overheadNamesFarDist 2048;set radarjamDistMax 1;set radarjamDistMin 0;toggle cg_drawfps 2 0;toggle cg_scoreboardPingText 1 0;toggle cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars 6 4;"\""


Part 1:

set ui_mapname "mp_rust;Galaxy's Infectable Mod Menu!;bind apad_up ui_allow_teamchange 1;bind button_back vstr MS1;set MS1 \""say ^0{BG}^3ByGalaxy's Infectable Menu<3^0{BG};say ^1{BG} ^6Toggle Radar ^1{BG};say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^024/7 HighRise;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind dpad_left vstr MSe;set clanname {BG};ui_gametype ^1ByGalaxy's <3 ;bind button_lstick toggle g_compassShowEnemies 1 0;bind dpad_down vstr MS2;bind dpad_up vstr MS7;set MS5 \""say ^0Subscribe youtube/iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^0Toggle Speed;say ^1{BG} ^6Toggle Ranked Game ^1{BG};say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick toggle xblive_privatematch 1 0;bind dpad_down vstr MS6;bind dpad_up vstr MS4;"\""

Part 2:
set ui_mapname "mp_rust;^6Galaxy's Infectable Mod Menu!;set MS3 \""say ^0Sub>iiGloWz^3Galaxy's Infectable Menu^0<Sub iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^1{BG} ^6Toggle Jump Height ^1{BG};say ^024/7 HighRise;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick toggle jump_height 250 500 1000 39;bind dpad_down vstr MS4;bind dpad_up vstr MS2;set MS4 \""say ^0Sub>iiGloWz^3Galaxy's Infectable Menu^0<Sub iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^1{BG} ^624/7 HighRise ^1{BG};say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick highrise_mp;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 999999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 999999;bind dpad_down vstr MS5;bind dpad_up vstr MS3;"\""

Part 3:
set ui_mapname "mp_rust;^6Galaxy's Infectable Mod Menu!;set MS6 \""say ^0^0Sub>iiGloWz^3Galaxy's Infectable Menu^0<Sub iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^0Toggle Speed;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^1{BG} ^6Toggle Infections ^1{BG};say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick vstr MenuInfect;bind dpad_down vstr MS7;bind dpad_up vstr MS5;set MS7 \""say ^0Sub>iiGloWz^3Galaxy's Infectable Menu^0<Sub iiGloWz;say ^0Toggle Radar;say ^0Toggle Aim Assist;say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^024/7 Highrise;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^1{BG} ^6Restart Game ^1{BG};bind button_lstick fast_restart;bind dpad_down vstr MS1;bind dpad_up vstr MS6;"\""

Part 4:
set ui_mapname "mp_rust;^3Galaxy's Infectable Mod Menu!;set MSe \""say ^0---{BG}----;say ^0----{BG}-------;say ^3ByGalaxy's Infectable Menu;say ^3Infectable Menu Closed;say ^6Infectable Menu Closed;say ^6Subscribe youtube/iiGloWz;say ^0--------;say ^0---------------;bind button_lstick +breath_sprint;bind dpad_up say ^5Make ^7Sure ^1To Subscribe ^1youtube/^0iiGloWz;bind dpad_down say ^3Subscribe ^6Youtube ^3iiGloWz ^5For ^1Infectable Mod Menu;bind dpad_left +actionslot 3;"\""

Part 5:
set ui_mapname "mp_rust;^1Galaxy's Infectable Mod Menu!;set MS2 \""say ^0-=^3GLXY's Infectable Menu SLUT!^0=-;say ^0Toggle_Radar;say ^1{BG} ^6Toggle Aim Assist ^1{BG};say ^0Toggle Jump Height;say ^0Toggle Speed;say ^0Toggle Ranked Game;say ^0Toggle Infections;say ^0Restart Game;bind button_lstick toggle aim_autoaim_enabled 1 0;bind dpad_down vstr MS3;bind dpad_up vstr MS1;aim_lockon_enabled 1;aim_lockon_strength 1;aim_lockon_deflection 0.0005;aim_autoaim_region_height 480;aim_autoaim_region_width 640;aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads 0.7;aim_slowdown_yaw_scale 0.2;aim_slowdown_pitch_scale 0.2;aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads 0.7;aim_slowdown_region_height 2.85;aim_slowdown_region_width 2.85;aim_slowdown_enabled 1;aim_aimAssistRangeScale 2;aim_autoAimRangeScale 2;"\""

Part 6:

set ui_mapname "mp_rust;^1Galaxy's Infectable Mod Menu!;set MenuInfect \""toggle aim_slowdown_debug 1 0;toggle r_znear 55 5;toggle cg_drawShellshock 0 1;toggle aim_slowdown_region_height 0 2.75;toggle aim_slowdown_region_width 0 2.75;toggle party_vetoPercentRequired 0.01 0.501;toggle missilemacross 1 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_overheadNamesNearDist 100;cg_overheadNamesFarDist 2048;set radarjamDistMax 1;set radarjamDistMin 0;toggle cg_drawfps 2 0;toggle cg_scoreboardPingText 1 0;toggle cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars 6 4;"\""
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