Modded Save Portal 2 [Online/Offline]


16 Décembre 2013
14 411
Coucou, donc voilà, j'ai trouvé une sauvegarde avec plusieurs packs de hacks en 1 sauvegarde :D
Il y'a exactement 9 packs !

Voici ceux qu'ils contiennent:
Orange Button - View Mods Config

A: jump
B: reverse depth
X: fullbright increment
Y: noclip
LB: quickping
RB: zoom
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: color static props
STICK2: red vision
UP: wireframe
RIGHT: blue grid
DOWN: green ambient lighting
LEFT: aspect ratio increment

Cyan Button - Semi-Legit Config

A: jump
B: duck
X: use
Y: remote view
LB: quick ping
RB: zoom
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: noclip
STICK2: god
UP: fire rocket
RIGHT: mouse menu taunt
DOWN: fire energy ball
LEFT: mouse menu

Pink Button - Assortment Config

A: spawn turret
B: fire rocket
X: use
Y: delete
LB: create square frame prop
RB: create computer
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: noclip
STICK2: god
UP: create chell model
RIGHT: teleport pbody
DOWN: set player model to chell
LEFT: teleport atlas

Yellow Button - Player Models Config

A: spawn chell
B: spawn opera turret
X: spawn bird
Y: spawn dummy
LB: thirdperson
RB: noclip
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: jump
STICK2: quick ping
UP: set player model to dummy
RIGHT: set player model to opera turret
DOWN: set player model to chell
LEFT: set player model to a bird

Red Button - Props Config

A: jump
B: spawn female
X: spawn vault door
Y: noclip
LB: spawn glados
RB: spawn velvet rope
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: spawn metal grid
STICK2: spawn metal box
UP: spawn boxed turret
RIGHT: spawn lunar rover
DOWN: delete
LEFT: spawn wall panel

Green Button - Colors Config

A: jump
B: color red
X: color yellow
Y: noclip
LB: self color green
RB: thirdperson
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: color black
STICK2: color green
UP: color blue
RIGHT: color pink
DOWN: self color black
LEFT: color cyan

Blue Button - NPC/Entities Config

A: spawn tripwire rocket
B: spawn wheatley
X: spawn companion cube
Y: noclip
LB: spawn laser bridge
RB: spawn glass ball
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: spawn turret
STICK2: spawn monster box
UP: spawn laser
RIGHT: spawn exploding bomb
DOWN: delete
LEFT: spawn sphere

Grey Button - Server Settings Config

A: jump
B: timescale increment
X: noclip speed increment
Y: noclip
LB: quick ping
RB: zoom
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: gravity increment
STICK2: portalgun fire delay increment
UP: place portals anywhere
RIGHT: turrets can't target you
DOWN: godmode
LEFT: portal fire delay 0 (must enable this before changing the increment)

Black Button - Misc Config

A: jump
B: upgrade to potato gun
X: give rollcage
Y: noclip
LB: thirdperson
RB: give antenna flag
BACK: sv_cheats
STICK1: fire rocket
STICK2: fire energy ball
UP: spawn white paint ball
RIGHT: spawn clear paint ball
DOWN: spawn orange paint ball
LEFT: spawn blue paint ball

(C/C de la description sur Modio)

Pour l'activer en online, après avoir choisi la couleurs, appuyez sur back, attendez, allez en online, re-appuyez sur back pour activer les mods, et re-appuyez pour désactiver ( vous pouvez le faire à l'infini )

La sauvegarde:

Le scan: