[1.07/BLES] Offset Zombie ( Stats, Weapon_Stats, Bubble_Gum.. )


11 Septembre 2014
3 205
1 327
14 780
Bonjour / Bonsoir,

Vu que je fais une application Black Ops 3 en ce moment et qu'il y a peu de logiciel complet gratuit je partage mes trouvailles.

Statistiques Zombie :
public struct Stats
   public static uint Prestige = 0x37DDE5D8;
   public static uint Headshot = 0x37DDE58A;
   public static uint Temps de jeux = 0x37DDE5D4;
   public static uint game_score = 0x37DDE57E;
   public static uint SPM = 0x37DDE57E;
   public static uint manche_survecue = 0x37DDE5A8;
   public static uint kills := 0x37DDE686;
   public static uint xp = 0x37DDE57a;

Unlock All Zombie 97% By @Shadow STN

Weapon_Stats :
public struct weapons_stats
    public static uint sheiva_kills = 0x37DD69F8;
    public static uint argus_kills = 0x37DD76AA;
    public static uint rk5_kills = 0x37DD5dc8;
    public static uint brecci_205 = 0x37DD77AE;
    public static uint cut = 0x37DD8F8C;
    public static uint l_car_9 = 0x37DD5E4A;
    public static uint xm_53 = 0x37DD7A38;
    public static uint kuda = 0x37DD61D8;
    public static uint vesper = 0x37DD62DC;
    public static uint vmp = 0x37DD63E0;
    public static uint pharo = 0x37DD625A;
    public static uint kn_44 = 0x37DD66EC;
    public static uint icr_1 = 0x37DD676E;
    public static uint m8a7 = 0x37DD6976;
    public static uint hvk_30 = 0x37DD67F0;
    public static uint brm = 0x37DD6D04;
    public static uint dingo = 0x37DD6C00;
    public static uint dredge_48 = 0x37DD6C82;
    public static uint gorgon = 0x37DD6D86;
    public static uint krm_62 = 0x37DD772C;
    public static uint haymaker = 0x37DD7628;
    public static uint locus = 0x37DD7114;
    public static uint drakon = 0x37DD7196;
    public static uint svg_100 = 0x37DD7218;

Bubble_Gum :
public struc Bubble_Gum
    public static uint divinium_liquid 0x37DDE674;
    public static uint GumAmountEntry = 0x37DDCA68,
    public static uint GumAmountInterval = 130,
    public static uint GumSelectionEntry = 0x37DF0E11,
    public static uint GumClassEntry = 0x37DF0E00,
    public static uint GumInterval = 0x16, // Distance for Current Active Gum / ClassNames

   /* 0xD8 = Aftertaste
      0xD9 = Buned Out
      0xDA = Cache Back
      0xDB = Dead Of Nuclear Winter
      0xDC = Ephermeral Enhancement
      0xDD = I'm Feelin' Lucky
      0xDE = Immolation Liquidation
      0xDF = Kill Joy
      0xE0 = Killing Time
      0xE1 = Licenced Contractor
      0xE2 = On The House
      0xE3 = Perkaholic
      0xE4 = Pheonix Up
      0xE5 = Pop Shocks
      0xE6 = Respin Cycle
      0xE7 = Unquenchable
      0xE8 = Wall Power
      0xE9 = Who's Keeping Score? */

Autres adresses Zombie trouvé par @LeBigKilleur

class Adresse
public static uint G_Client = 0x18C42E8;
public static uint Arme_En_Main = G_Client + 0x25B;
public static uint Name_InGame = G_Client + 0x5DB0;
public static uint God_Mod = G_Client + 0x23;
public static uint Money = G_Client + 0x5EB6;
public static uint Mun1_Principale = G_Client + 0x57A;
public static uint Mun2_Principale = G_Client + 0x53F;
public static uint Mun1_Secondaire = G_Client + 0x582;
public static uint Mun2_Secondaire = G_Client + 0x547;
public static uint Grenade1 = G_Client + 0x57D;
public static uint Grenade2 = G_Client + 0x587;
public static uint FakeChangeWeapons = G_Client + 0x25B;
public static uint Third_Person = G_Client + 0x12D;
public static uint Spectator = G_Client + 0x23;
public static uint Lock_Player = G_Client + 0x16;
public static uint In_Map_Bug = G_Client + 0x186;
public static uint Frezz_Player = G_Client + 0x5;
public static uint Give_Weapons = G_Client + 0x30B;
public static uint No_Target = G_Client + 0x5DE6;
public static uint Speed_X2 = G_Client + 0x5DF8;
public static uint Stats_Rea = G_Client + 0x5ED2;
public static uint Stats_Kill = G_Client + 0x5ECA;
public static uint Stats_Blessur = G_Client + 0x5ECE;
public static uint Stats_TireTete = G_Client + 0x5ED6;
public static uint Teleport = G_Client + 0x30;
public static uint Perk_RegargeRapide = G_Client + 0x8B4;// (0x10 )
public static uint Perk_Masto_3Arme = G_Client + 0x8B7;// ( 0x21 )
public static uint Perk_QuickRevive = G_Client + 0x8BE;// ( 0x02 )
public static uint Perk_DoubleCoup = G_Client + 0x8B5;// ( 0x04)
public static uint Perk_Courir = G_Client + 0x8BC; //(0x08)
public static uint Perk_Arreigner = G_Client + 0x8c3;// ( 0x80 ) + Mun
public static uint Camo_Arme1 = G_Client + 0x311;
public static uint Camo_Arme2 = G_Client + 0x361;
public static uint Camo_Arme3 = G_Client + 0x389;

public static uint R_SetFrameFog = 0x3D00E8;
public static uint Cheat_Protect1 = 0x00622D8C;
public static uint Cheat_Protect2 = 0x00622DA4;
public static uint Cheat_Protect3 = 0x00622DBC;
public static uint Cbuf_AddText = 0x5A657C;
public static uint BG_GetWeaponsDef = 0x77ED48;
public static uint G_Spawn = 0x38D6EC;
public static uint G_SetModels = 0x38ABA4;
public static uint SP_Script_model = 0x4E85CC;

Mega_Bubble_Gum :
public struc Bubble_Gum_Mega
    public static uint carbonized = 0x37DDCAEA;
    public static uint Return = 0x37DDCB6C;
    public static uint immolation_Liquid = 0x37DDCD74;
    public static uint spoilsport = 0x37DDCDF6;
    public static uint Time_of_Dying : 0x37DDCE78;
    public static uint Specialized = 0x37DDCFFE;
    public static uint PopShock = 0x37DDD102;
    public static uint Loop = 0x37DDD184;
    public static uint Who_Keeps_Points = 0x37DDDE4A;
    public static uint Phoenix = 0x37DDD080;
    public static uint Nuclear_winter = 0x37DDCBEE;
    public static uint Insatiable = 0x37DDD206;
    public static uint spiderman = 0x37DDD288;
    public static uint Contraente su Licenza = 0x37DDCEFA;
    public static uint It_offers_Home = 0x37E08F53;
    public static uint I_am_feeling_lucky = 0x37DDCCF2;
    public static uint aftertaste = 0x37DDCA68;

Crédit : @Shadow STN :ok:

Multijoueur :

TOC Address - 0xE11ED8

AimTarget_GetTagPos - 0x36458
AimTarget_IsTargetVisible - 0x36700

Cbuf_AddText - 0x5B1A7C
SV_GameSendServerCommand - 0x5EC544
SV_AddServerCommand - 0x5F16DC
SV_GetConfigStringConst - 0x5EEEC4

G_CallSpawnEntity - 0x3803D0
G_Spawn - 0x39272C
G_Client - 0x18C6220
G_Client_Size - 0x6200
G_Entity - 0x17FF620
G_Entity_Size - 0x350
G_SpawnItem - 0x3244B0
G_SetModel - 0x38FBE4
G_HudElems - 0x1770708
G_LocalizedStringIndex - 0x38E4EC
G_MaterialIndex - 0x38E5D0
level_locals_t - 0x26B4F4C

Key_IsDown - 0x1D6654

Scr_Notify - 0x3818A0
Scr_GetEntity - 0x3815B8

Material_RegisterHandle - 0x40A27C
Material_LoadPerMap - 0x40A2E0
Material_Register_FastFile - 0x24C350

R_SetFrameFog - 0x3D0B28
R_RegisterFont - 0x4012B4
R_GetCommandBuffer - 0x411560
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal - 0x4119C8
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal - 0x411A20
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal - 0x411E18
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal - 0x411E78
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal - 0x411F90
R_AllocShaderConstantSet - 0x42239C
R_ConvertColorToBytes - 0x43E368

CMD_VEH_UseVehicle - 0x3A3A28
CMD_VEH_SetNearGoalNotifyDist - 0x3A3B40
CMD_VEH_SetVehGoalPos - 0x3A3C20

HECmd_SetText - 0x31F140
HECmd_SetShader - 0x31F208
HECmd_SetWarGameData - 0x31F39C
HECmd_SetTargetEnt - 0x31F3A0
HECmd_ClearTargetEnt - 0x31F440
HECmd_SetTimer - 0x31F894
HECmd_SetTimerUp - 0x31F8DC
HECmd_SetTenthsTimer - 0x31F924
HECmd_SetTenthsTimerUp - 0x31F96C
HECmd_SetClock - 0x31F9B4
HECmd_SetClockUp - 0x31F9FC
HECmd_SetValue - 0x31FA44
HECmd_SetWayPoint - 0x31FAEC
HECmd_SetPerk - 0x31FC34
HECmd_FadeOverTime - 0x31FCD8
HECmd_ChangeFontScaleOverTime - 0x31FE60
HECmd_ScaleOverTime - 0x31FFE8
HECmd_MoveOverTime - 0x320198
HECmd_Reset - 0x320308
HECmd_Destroy - 0x320370
HECmd_SetPlayerNameString - 0x3203F0
HECmd_SetGameTypeString - 0x3204B8
HECmd_SetMapNameString - 0x320584
HECmd_SetPulseFX - 0x320648
HECmd_SetCod7DeCodeFX - 0x32082C
HECmd_SetRedactFX - 0x3209A8
HECmd_SetTypewriterFX - 0x320B68
HECmd_GetTextWidth - 0x320CE8

PlayerCMD_ResetAnimations - 0x2F64B4
PlayerCMD_Revive - 0x2F65DC
PlayerCMD_GetTargetScreenAngles - 0x2F6B48
PlayerCMD_GiveNextBaseWeapon - 0x2F7980
PlayerCMD_GetNormalizedMovement - 0x2F7988
PlayerCMD_GetNormalizedCameraMovement - 0x2F7A90
PlayerCMD_GiveWeaponNextAttachment - 0x2F7A94
PlayerCMD_GetWeaponAcvi - 0x2F7A98
PlayerCMD_CalcWeaponOptions - 0x2F7BCC

ScriptEnt_MoveTo - 0x37D9F0
ScriptEnt_MoveGravity - 0x37DB08
ScriptEnt_MoveSlide - 0x37DC98
ScriptEnt_StopMoveSlide - 0x37DE54
ScriptEnt_MoveX - 0x37DF38
ScriptEnt_MoveY - 0x37DF78
ScriptEnt_MoveZ - 0x37DFB8
ScriptEnt_RotateTo - 0x37E008
ScriptEnt_RotatePitch - 0x37E1CA
ScriptEnt_RotateYaw - 0x37E204
ScriptEnt_RotateRoll - 0x37E244
ScriptEnt_Vibrate - 0x37E298
ScriptEnt_Bobbing - 0x37E578
ScriptEnt_Rotate - 0x37E840
ScriptEnt_RotateVelocity - 0x37E9A4
ScriptEnt_SetCanDamage - 0x37EADC
ScriptEnt_PhysicsLaunch - 0x37EB54
ScriptEnt_GetEnt - 0x381AB0
ScriptEnt_GetEntArray - 0x382280
ScriptEnt_GetEntArrayFromArray - 0x3825E4
ScriptEnt_GetDamageableEntArray - 0x382818

Crédit :

key is down :

enum Bttn
    Cross = 1,
    Circle = 2,
    Square = 3,
    Triangle = 4,
    L1 = 5,
    R1 = 6,
    Start = 14,
    Select = 15,
    L3 = 16,
    R3 = 17,
    L2 = 18,
    R2 = 19,
    DPAD_UP = 22,
    DPAD_DOWN = 23,
    DPAD_LEFT = 24,
    DPAD_RIGHT = 25,

bool Detect(int Button)
    opd_s Key_IsDown_t = { 0x1D6654, 0xE11ED8 };
    bool(*Key_IsDown)(int client, int button) = (bool(*)(int, int))&Key_IsDown_t;
    return Key_IsDown(0, Button);

Crédit : (By oStankyModz And OLDSCHOOLMODZHD)

Merci de respecter les crédits !
Dernière édition:


22 Mai 2015
2 608
13 171
Merci pour les offsets que tu as rajouté :ok:
J'ai mis à jour le topic de notre forum avec les crédits bien sur :p


17 Janvier 2014
5 456
Ajoute sa si tu veut ^^ :

class Adresse
public static uint G_Client = 0x18C42E8;
public static uint Arme_En_Main = G_Client + 0x25B;
public static uint Name_InGame = G_Client + 0x5DB0;
public static uint God_Mod = G_Client + 0x23;
public static uint Money = G_Client + 0x5EB6;
public static uint Mun1_Principale = G_Client + 0x57A;
public static uint Mun2_Principale = G_Client + 0x53F;
public static uint Mun1_Secondaire = G_Client + 0x582;
public static uint Mun2_Secondaire = G_Client + 0x547;
public static uint Grenade1 = G_Client + 0x57D;
public static uint Grenade2 = G_Client + 0x587;
public static uint FakeChangeWeapons = G_Client + 0x25B;
public static uint Third_Person = G_Client + 0x12D;
public static uint Spectator = G_Client + 0x23;
public static uint Lock_Player = G_Client + 0x16;
public static uint In_Map_Bug = G_Client + 0x186;
public static uint Frezz_Player = G_Client + 0x5;
public static uint Give_Weapons = G_Client + 0x30B;
public static uint No_Target = G_Client + 0x5DE6;
public static uint Speed_X2 = G_Client + 0x5DF8;
public static uint Stats_Rea = G_Client + 0x5ED2;
public static uint Stats_Kill = G_Client + 0x5ECA;
public static uint Stats_Blessur = G_Client + 0x5ECE;
public static uint Stats_TireTete = G_Client + 0x5ED6;
public static uint Teleport = G_Client + 0x30;
public static uint Perk_RegargeRapide = G_Client + 0x8B4;// (0x10 )
public static uint Perk_Masto_3Arme = G_Client + 0x8B7;// ( 0x21 )
public static uint Perk_QuickRevive = G_Client + 0x8BE;// ( 0x02 )
public static uint Perk_DoubleCoup = G_Client + 0x8B5;// ( 0x04)
public static uint Perk_Courir = G_Client + 0x8BC; //(0x08)
public static uint Perk_Arreigner = G_Client + 0x8c3;// ( 0x80 ) + Mun
public static uint Camo_Arme1 = G_Client + 0x311;
public static uint Camo_Arme2 = G_Client + 0x361;
public static uint Camo_Arme3 = G_Client + 0x389;

public static uint R_SetFrameFog = 0x3D00E8;
public static uint Cheat_Protect1 = 0x00622D8C;
public static uint Cheat_Protect2 = 0x00622DA4;
public static uint Cheat_Protect3 = 0x00622DBC;
public static uint Cbuf_AddText = 0x5A657C;
public static uint BG_GetWeaponsDef = 0x77ED48;
public static uint G_Spawn = 0x38D6EC;
public static uint G_SetModels = 0x38ABA4;
public static uint SP_Script_model = 0x4E85CC;


11 Septembre 2014
3 205
1 327
14 780
Ajoute sa si tu veut ^^ :

class Adresse
public static uint G_Client = 0x18C42E8;
public static uint Arme_En_Main = G_Client + 0x25B;
public static uint Name_InGame = G_Client + 0x5DB0;
public static uint God_Mod = G_Client + 0x23;
public static uint Money = G_Client + 0x5EB6;
public static uint Mun1_Principale = G_Client + 0x57A;
public static uint Mun2_Principale = G_Client + 0x53F;
public static uint Mun1_Secondaire = G_Client + 0x582;
public static uint Mun2_Secondaire = G_Client + 0x547;
public static uint Grenade1 = G_Client + 0x57D;
public static uint Grenade2 = G_Client + 0x587;
public static uint FakeChangeWeapons = G_Client + 0x25B;
public static uint Third_Person = G_Client + 0x12D;
public static uint Spectator = G_Client + 0x23;
public static uint Lock_Player = G_Client + 0x16;
public static uint In_Map_Bug = G_Client + 0x186;
public static uint Frezz_Player = G_Client + 0x5;
public static uint Give_Weapons = G_Client + 0x30B;
public static uint No_Target = G_Client + 0x5DE6;
public static uint Speed_X2 = G_Client + 0x5DF8;
public static uint Stats_Rea = G_Client + 0x5ED2;
public static uint Stats_Kill = G_Client + 0x5ECA;
public static uint Stats_Blessur = G_Client + 0x5ECE;
public static uint Stats_TireTete = G_Client + 0x5ED6;
public static uint Teleport = G_Client + 0x30;
public static uint Perk_RegargeRapide = G_Client + 0x8B4;// (0x10 )
public static uint Perk_Masto_3Arme = G_Client + 0x8B7;// ( 0x21 )
public static uint Perk_QuickRevive = G_Client + 0x8BE;// ( 0x02 )
public static uint Perk_DoubleCoup = G_Client + 0x8B5;// ( 0x04)
public static uint Perk_Courir = G_Client + 0x8BC; //(0x08)
public static uint Perk_Arreigner = G_Client + 0x8c3;// ( 0x80 ) + Mun
public static uint Camo_Arme1 = G_Client + 0x311;
public static uint Camo_Arme2 = G_Client + 0x361;
public static uint Camo_Arme3 = G_Client + 0x389;

public static uint R_SetFrameFog = 0x3D00E8;
public static uint Cheat_Protect1 = 0x00622D8C;
public static uint Cheat_Protect2 = 0x00622DA4;
public static uint Cheat_Protect3 = 0x00622DBC;
public static uint Cbuf_AddText = 0x5A657C;
public static uint BG_GetWeaponsDef = 0x77ED48;
public static uint G_Spawn = 0x38D6EC;
public static uint G_SetModels = 0x38ABA4;
public static uint SP_Script_model = 0x4E85CC;
Oui merci je vais le faire :)


22 Mai 2015
2 608
13 171
Quelqu'un a le Client Interval s'il vous plaît ? :)
Dernière édition: